Teya Salat

Now I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour

,What is the Next step to follow so that I Will not loose my Salvation?:

This question looks like a big challenge to every new believer even when I received salvation newlly,

I asked myself this question.

But the answers to this question include:

(1) Remain Faithful:

Hold fast the form of sound word, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which

is in christ Jesus (2timothy 1:13 kjv).If there is anything you can loose in this life,

never you loose faith because it is your key as a christian

Remember that faith simply means believing on something you have not seen even before,

so to be strong on your faith,Read 2timothy 1:5-14


I set my face unto the lord God,to seek by prayer and supplications,

with fasting,and sackcloth, and ashes (Daniel 9:3 kjv)

What are some responses people have when facing challenges?

Responses often fall into one of the three categories-anger,desperation,or self reliance.

When facing an important choice or a serious dilemma,people normally look for their own answers.

If they cannot find an effective solution there's tendency to jump into bad choices.Too often,

if God is considered at all,

He becomes an object of blame rather than the focus of prayer.As a believers,

our first responses should be to look to God .

Prayer is one of the weapons we have to help us be victoriuos when facing challenges,live a prayerful

life as a new believer for the bible says pray without sessson(Mathe 6:6-8,Luke 11:1-13)

(3)Living the goodlife (Holy Life):

Being justified by his (God's) grace,we should be made heir's according to the hope of enternal life (Titus 3:7 kjv)

Many people have asked, What is good life and how do we get it? The good life is often

defined atleast in our minds as the aboundance of this world.

Others feel that personal happiness is the main goal of the good life.

As we examine the holy life from a scriptural view point,

we will discover that the good life is a life lived in God's grace-and available to all who truly seek it.

So living the good life (holy life) is very vital in abelievers life, because the bible says in the book of

(Titus 2:11-15 and 3:1-11) blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Holy life draws God's presence into the life of a believer

(4) Fasting and prayer:

As a new believer, you need to deny yourself food sometimes

a day or week with fasting and prayer to help you prepare yourself for battle,

because through fasting you will get all you need from God,fasting with prayer

also help to enlight your body because man shall not live by bread alone,

insteady fill yourself with power of holy spirit.

Read Daniel 9:3-9,Joel 1:12-14

(5) Praises:

Always sing hyms in your heart unto the Lord

do you know that only by singing praises and walking around of

the wall of jericho brought it's downfall? so give God thanks

for the victory he gave you to overcame your sins

do not let any other song enter your heart

rather than the songs that glorify the name of the Lord,

Praises is also a weapons of a believer.

Read Acts 16:25-28

(5) Evangelism:

Question:What is evangelism?

Evangelism refers to moving from one place to another either house to house,

or street to street to broadcast the word of God.

evangelism is the first thing which people even your friends uses to know that truly you had repented,nowadays,

it looks as a very big challenge to believers to move around and win souls for Christ,

if you are a true believer (born again),

without preaching the word of God to other,you haven't started.

even if you can not go alone,

go in group if you are a youth join the youth ministry in your church,

if you are man join the men's ministry or woman join the women's ministry

follow them to participate in all the church activities to help equipe you spiritually

the church you attend also matters,

look for a pentcostal church where the word of God is been taught like Assemblies Of God Church,

The Apostolic Church,Christian penticostal church and many them

avoid autodox and private ministry hence your hope is to make the kingdom of God.

ask God for power to preach his gospel Read 2Timothy 1:1-13
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